The History
you need
История — это не просто рассказы о прошлом История — это эффективный инструмент влияния

Она может четко донести смысл и историческую роль компании, отрасли, региона, семьи и личности в конкретный момент времени
Creating the Legend
Every city, brand, industry, and family has its own legend. It is what sets them apart.
The legend explains why all the elements come together in that particular combination. The strength of the legend we shape is grounded in the veracity of each element.
Veracious and Legendary
History is not just some tales of the past; it’s a powerful tool of influence.
  • Professional Historian (Saint Petersburg State University, University of Buenos Aires).

  • Worked with organizations such as UN, G20, heads of states, governmental institutions, diplomatic representations, and private companies from over 12 countries.

  • Participated in several intergovernmental commissions.

  • Frequent speaker on international TV channels.
About Me:
History isn't written by victors.

we write it for them.
Brand Legend
Creating a historically grounded legend with the brand’s story and its historical mission.
Regional History
Crafting an authentic legend about the region’s past and its significance in the history of humanity.
Roots of Innovation
New business sectors, innovative projects. History can clarify the advantages of innovations.
Historical Personality
Creating a unique personal history, emphasizing outstanding achievements and the uniqueness of their role.
Public Speeches on History
Preparing live public speeches and video lectures on the history of your field. Staff training, media appearances.
What to Do with a Legend?
After the concept is approved, we assist with its implementation and offer support in staff training, marketing, and PR department work for better assimilation and transmission of the story.
This is a crucial element at the core of our work. We deeply respect this right, and, by mutual agreement, do not disclose some of our clients.
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